Hope High School have a vacancy for a Parent Governor and we are looking for a volunteer to fill this post. The Parent Governor works together with the headteacher and the local authority to improve education and other outcomes for all pupils at Hope High School.

You could become a school governor if you are aged 18 or over and:


  • Want to make a positive difference to the education of local children
  • Can get on with other people and work as part of a team
  • Have some time to spare to attend meetings and to read necessary papers
  • Are ready to learn and open to new ideas
  • Are willing to put something into your local community

You don't need any formal qualifications, you'll get full training and support to make sure you are fully equipped to carry out the role successfully.


What we expect from governors:

Effective governors do not need educational expertise but do need to be committed to their school, willing to ask questions and act as a critical friend. They also need to be able to work as an enthusiastic member of the governing body team.


You do not need specialist knowledge or training to become a governor. It is your lay and community experiences that the governing body requires. However you will become knowledgeable by being a governor and this can help you to participate more fully in your local community or even open up opportunities for you personally, for example involvement in a Parents Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA), voluntary work within school or an awareness of new employment opportunities.


Realistically, as a school governor, you will need to attend one full governing body meeting each term. You will also be asked to serve on at least one committee which will probably meet once or occasionally twice a term. So that is about three meetings per term.


You will need to get to know your school well (if you don't already) preferably by visiting when the school is in session and the pupils are in school. However this may not always be possible and some governors keep in touch with school life through after school events such as fundraising or charity events, Parents Teachers and Friends Association meetings, sports days, school parties and holidays.


If you are interested in finding out more and becoming a school governor please complete the attached form below.  Should there be interest by more than two persons a election will follow.


To register interest click here